The Queen holds reception celebrating Brooke's 90th anniversary

Established in the early 1930s, Brooke is a UK-based international charity dedicated to the welfare of working horses and donkeys, with its roots tracing back to the aftermath of the First World War.

At the forefront of this initiative was Dorothy Brooke, who in 1934 founded the Old War Horse Memorial Hospital in Cairo.

Over the years, this initiative evolved into the global organization known today.

As of 2022/2023, Brooke has directly assisted 1.

4 million working horses, donkeys, and mules, alongside advocating for the welfare of an additional 4.

2 million animals.

During a special reception at Buckingham Palace, Her Majesty had the opportunity to meet with ambassadors, guests, and supporters of the charity.

In a particularly heartwarming moment, she interacted with the mini ponies Alfie and LaLa in the Quadrangle.

The Queen engaged with Brooke's dedicated staff and supporters, who have made significant impacts across over 10,000 communities worldwide.

A highlight of the event was a speech by Brooke CEO Chris Wainwright, followed by Her Majesty cutting a cake to celebrate the organization's milestone.

Brooke, officially known as Brooke, Action for Working Horses and Donkeys, has been actively working since 1934 to enhance the lives of horses, donkeys, and mules around the globe.

The Queen has been a staunch supporter of Brooke, serving as its President since 2006.

During a State Visit to Kenya, she witnessed firsthand the positive impact of Brooke's East Africa Programme in promoting equine welfare.

Her Majesty also visited a Donkey Care Club, where local children were educated on proper donkey care practices.

In regions where over 600 million individuals reside in extreme poverty, nearly 100 million working animals serve as vital assets for their communities.

These animals support livelihoods by enabling people to sustain themselves, provide for their families, and create better opportunities for the future.

Brooke's efforts not only benefit working animals but also empower individuals in developing nations by facilitating access to employment opportunities.

Dorothy Brooke, the founder of Brooke, was inspired to act by the plight of former war horses in Cairo post the 1918 conflict, as these faithful animals were subjected to labor.

Through her advocacy and the generosity of the British public, she managed to repurchase 5,000 of these horses.

Subsequently, Dorothy established a veterinary clinic in Cairo to provide critical care for these animals.

The Queen's enduring passion for animal welfare is well-documented, and her support for Brooke reflects this commitment.

To learn more about Her Majesty's advocacy for animal welfare, visit: [The Queen and her support for animal welfare](https://www.



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